Court use for tennis during Stage 3 Lockdowns

Hi all, 

 DCTC is pleased to announce that Nillumbik Council has aligned with Tennis Victoria and given permission for our courts to be used again for social tennis and coaching.  Please be aware that to allow this, there are some very important restrictions to comply with to maintain safety and well being for everyone. 

1.  Everyone who attends our courts must provide their name, contact details and the time/date they were at the courts.  

2.  Only 2 people are allowed to play tennis on each court (with a maximum of 10 people at any one time across all of our 6 courts). 

3. Clubrooms will remain closed and locked at all times.  Toilets are not available and court lights cannot be used for social tennis.

4. All previously communicated club COVID-19 safety requirements still apply  i.e. using sanitizer, social distancing etc.

5. Compliance to all of the Tennis Victoria / Nillumbik Council requirements is expected.

Tennis coaching has recommenced and will be held as per previous days and time slots.   There will be some minor changes to coaching arrangements to meet the new requirements - particularly to group sessions.   Please contact the coaches directly for any specific coaching concerns or questions.

We are extremely grateful to the Council to enable tennis to continue at our club during the lockdown period.  Please ensure you do your part in protecting our community and follow the rules.